Best Brotato Fisherman Build Guide For Danger Zone 5

Brotato Fisherman Build Guide

A complete build guide for Fisherman, a character in Brotato which uses "bait" to get stronger.

The Fisherman character has a unique mechanic where you get less money from enemies, but you receive a bait in every shop. This allows you to stack damage and gain harvesting from those baits, which means you can still earn money if you consistently buy baits. Let's dive deep into how you can master this class and achieve success in Danger 5 difficulty. In this guide I'll be teaching you how to progress the Brotato Fisherman Build from early, mid to late game and easily beat Danger 5 with spears as your main weapons.

Key Mechanics of the Fisherman Build

Bait System

Each bait you purchase increases your damage and harvesting. This means that even though you get less money from enemies initially, you can make up for it by investing in baits. Harvesting increases your income over time, allowing you to snowball your resources effectively.

Starting Weapon: Spear

The spear is an ideal starting weapon for the Fisherman due to its efficiency in clearing hordes of enemies. It allows for focused attacks and can hit multiple enemies in a line, making it a versatile and powerful choice.

To maximize the effectiveness of the spear, enable manual aiming. This lets you aim the spear and ensure you hit multiple enemies with each attack, making it easier to manage waves and deal with early-game challenges.

The Best Brotato Fisherman Build

Best Brotato Fisherman Build For Danger 5

Plan out your own Brotato Fisherman Build in our Build Planner.

Early Game Strategy

Wave 1

Goal: Collect 65 Materials

The first wave is crucial for setting up your success. Your primary goal here is to collect 65 materials.

  • Tactics:
    • Use the spear and manual aiming to hit multiple enemies.
    • Prioritize picking up every material on the ground, even if it means taking some damage.
    • Aim to maximize your material collection as this will determine your buying power in the upcoming shop.

Shopping After Wave 1

  • Buy bait and roll: Always purchase bait first, as it costs only one and increases your damage and harvesting.
  • Purchase a spear and additional baits if possible: Ideally, you want to have three spears and five baits after the first shopping trip. This setup maximizes your damage output and harvesting potential early on.

Waves 2-5

Item Stats:
  • Prioritize Melee Damage and Armor: Melee damage increases your killing efficiency, while armor helps you survive the waves.
  • Avoid Percentage Damage: Stack flat damage through baits instead.
  • Continuous Bait and Spear Purchases: Keep buying baits and spears, aiming to have five spears as soon as possible. This ensures that you can handle the increasing difficulty of the waves.

Mid Game Strategy

Waves 6-10

Increased Difficulty:
  • Caution on Waves 6, 10, and 11: These waves are particularly dangerous for the Fisherman build, so consider buying fewer baits and focusing more on defensive stats during these times.
  • Stacking Defensive Stats: Ensure you have enough armor, HP, and regeneration to survive these tougher waves.
Dodging and Survivability
  • Stack Attack Speed, Armor, and HP Regeneration: These stats are crucial for surviving the mid-game. Attack speed ensures you can clear enemies quickly, armor reduces incoming damage, and HP regeneration keeps you alive during longer fights.
  • Utilize the Corner Strategy: Fighting from a corner can help manage enemy waves better by funneling them into a single line, making your spear attacks more effective.

Shopping Focus

  • Prioritize Items Offering Regeneration, Armor, and Attack Speed: These items are essential for maintaining survivability and effectiveness in combat.
  • Continue Stacking Bait: Always prioritize buying baits to keep increasing your damage and harvesting.
  • As you progress, start considering items that increase your critical hit chance and luck. Critical hits can significantly boost your damage output, and luck increases the drop rate of valuable consumables and items.

Late Game Strategy

Waves 11-20

High Damage and Survivability:
  • Maximize Damage Output: By this stage, you should have a high enough damage output to one-shot most enemies. Continue stacking damage through baits and melee damage items.
  • Focus on Defensive Stats: Ensure you have high max HP, Dodge, and armor to withstand the toughest waves.
  • Boss Strategy: With enough stacked damage, bosses should be manageable. Use manual aiming to focus down bosses quickly and avoid their attacks.

Final Waves

Wave 20:
  • Stack Over 100 Baits: By this point, aim to have over 100 baits stacked. This not only boosts your damage immensely but also ensures you have high harvesting.
  • Dodge and Kill: Focus on dodging enemy attacks and use your high damage to quickly kill bosses.

Endgame Shopping

  • Maximize Final Stats: In the final few shops, focus on items that provide the most benefit to your build. Prioritize max HP, Dodge, armor, and additional damage.
  • Secure Key Items: Look for items like the Baby Gecko (for improved material pickup) and the items that increase HP from consumables.


The Fisherman is a powerful and fun class to play once you get the hang of its bait mechanics. By focusing on stacking baits and managing your defensive stats, you can clear even the toughest waves with ease and I hope this Fisherman build guide has helped you make the best Fisherman build in Brotato.

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