Brotato Character Tier List Best Classes

Brotato Character Tier List

All 44 of the Brotato playable characters ranked within 6 different tiers (from best to worst).

Have you ever wondered what are the best characters in Brotato? Look no further because I've carefully ranked all of the Brotato classes into different tiers depending on several criteria. Obviously, A and S tier will be the most powerful characters and easiest to win Difficulty 5 with. While there is a slight variable (item unlocks) making a difference through every playthrough, this will still be a reliable Brotato character tier list that you can use to blast through the game with ease.

Tier List Criteria

  1. Popularity in current Meta: How likely people are to pick and play the character? This could be due to a play style that is very appealing, or overall viability for different runs.
  2. Randomness: How big of a role RNG plays into the character runs. If you're able to consistently get to late game even with bad shop RNG, the class gets a higher rating.
  3. Win Rate: If I often get past Wave 20 or consistently win on Difficulty 5 with a character, they might get a higher rating.

Brotato Character Tier List



Golem can't heal but has a massive health pool and gets bonus damage when at half health, creating a thrilling play style where managing health carefully leads to exciting runs.


King gets penalties for low-tier items but substantial bonuses for tier 4 items, encouraging a focus on high-quality equipment that turns mediocre weapons into powerful tools, making for some insane runs.


Loud faces more enemies, but more enemies mean more rewards, creating action-packed and fun runs with chaotic and enjoyable experiences.


Cyborg is really fun to play and he's arguably one of the strongest characters in the game, easily earning his S rating in the Brotato character tier list. He starts with a minigun and boosts to ranged damage are increased by 250%!


Cryptid can't life steal and gains reduced materials from enemies but makes a lot more trees spawn within every round. Each tree grants him additional bonus xp and materials, as well as additional health regeneration.



Artificer specializes in explosion weapons, particularly the nuke launcher, making for destructive and thrilling gameplay with sheer power and fun.


Engineer sets up turret nests, creating a defensive play style that requires strategic placement and planning, which is incredibly satisfying despite the single-target damage challenges.


Explorer spawns extra trees and areas, offering more opportunities for rewards and variety in gameplay, making it a versatile and one of the most fun character to play from the Brotato character tier list.


Old reduces enemy's speed and map size, as well as the amount of Aliens spawned on the map at all times. He's really good and having a wide selection of melee & ranged weapons is a bonus.


Bull has an interesting and fun playstyle where you have to get hit in order to deal damage. The main strategy is to make an insanely tanky build that can just afk and clear everything on the screen.



Brawler focuses on fist weapons, making for a close-combat, high-risk play style that becomes quite enjoyable once you understand the power of fists.


Crazy excels with shurikens and other similar weapons, offering a fast-paced and aggressive play style that is fun.


Demon trades materials for health, creating a unique balancing act in resource management that is compelling, though mastering Difficulty 5 is still a challenge.


Knight uses medieval weapons and gains defensive bonuses, making him a tanky character with strong melee capabilities that are solid and fun.


Lich does extra damage when healing, combining offense and defense in a rewarding way that feels satisfying and places it firmly in B tier.


Lucky increases the chance of finding high-rarity items, enhancing the potential for powerful builds that are consistently fun to play.


Mage focuses on elemental damage, offering a different approach to combat with unique effects and strategies that make him interesting and enjoyable.


Multitasker can use 12 weapons, doubling the usual amount and allowing for complex builds that are very fun but harder to manage, hence why he's in B tier on our Brotato character tier list.


Soldier gets bonuses for standing still, requiring careful positioning and timing, which is a unique mechanic that is fun but tricky to master.


Speedy gains damage from movement speed, encouraging fast and dynamic gameplay that is exhilarating and easy to scale.


Wildling is a simple, beginner-friendly character that uses a mighty stick for combat, making it a solid and enjoyable choice.


Well-Rounded has generic bonuses, making it a flexible and versatile character that allows for various builds and strategies, keeping gameplay fresh and interesting.


Gladiator can be really strong, he's unable to wield ranged weapons but gains 20% bonus attack speed for every different melee weapon he's wielding.


Saver's gameplay is based on having a strong economy because he starts with a Piggy Bank and gains 1% damage for every 25 Materials that you've saved up.


While Ghost is really strong, his main downside is essentially being locked into using Ethereal Weapons, so all the good end-game weapons you might get will not really be the most effective way of building the character.



Apprentice loses health as you level up, requiring careful management to avoid bricking runs, which can be frustrating but fun if handled properly. I don't find the performance consistent enough, so he's placed in C tier of the Brotato character tier list

Arms Dealer

Arms Dealer can buy weapons at reduced prices but loses them after one round, creating a unique play style that is less satisfying than keeping a cool build.


Chunky has no standout features, resulting in a middle-of-the-road experience that is neither exciting nor frustrating.


Doctor specializes in medical weapons, which are strong but not particularly interesting to most.


Entrepreneur focuses on gaining materials and wealth, offering a different kind of challenge.


Farmer focuses on getting harvesting early to gain resources, which can be powerful but it's not consistent enough.


Hunter uses range to scale weapons directly, but another character does this better, making Hunter feel overshadowed.


Mutant levels up faster and gets extra bonuses, making for an accelerated gameplay experience that is effective but not particularly exciting.


Ranger has a health penalty but gains significant range bonuses, making early runs tough but useful with proper management.


Renegade gets extra projectiles but faces a significant damage penalty, making the cool concept hard to play effectively.


Streamer gains extra money for standing still but faces penalties for holding onto it, creating a unique challenge.



Fisherman can fish for extra damage and alien spawns, but this often leads to over-calculating and dying, making the gimmick less fun and a really low win-rate compared to other classes in the Brotato character tier list.


Generalist can use both ranged and melee weapons, but finding synergistic weapons is tough, making the cool concept hard to execute well.


Glutton’s gimmick of eating items to explode is interesting but there are more viable mechanics found in other Brotato characters.


Pacifist avoids killing aliens, focusing on dodging instead, which takes getting used to and isn't the preferred way of playing the game.


Sick deals damage by healing, similar to other characters but less interesting, making it less engaging to play.



Masochist thrives on taking damage as he deals only 1 damage at the start of individual rounds. Taking 20 hits (regardless of how much damage each hit deals) will completely offset this initial downside with +100% Damage.


One-Armed uses only one weapon, requiring careful optimization and strategy that makes it a struggle to build effectively.


Jack is quite weak and generally a very bad choice because all his builds end up being single-target DPS checks.

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