Best Hades 2 Beginner Builds, Loadout Guide For New Players

Best Hades 2 Beginner Builds

The six best Hades 2 builds for new players, arcana card setups, keepsakes, hexes and more.

Hades 2 is still in early access and while new patches introduce changes to meta builds, I've written a comprehensive guide on achieving the best Hades 2 beginner builds. These Hades 2 builds don't rely on any weapon aspects, making them viable from early on in your save progression. This guide is designed to assist new players in securing their first win, though it also offers valuable general tips for all players. In this guide, you'll learn everything from loadout basics to specific weapon builds to help you conquer the underworld.

Loadout Guide

Arcana Cards

Before starting a run, it's essential to prioritize unlocking certain Arcana cards to enhance your survivability and damage output. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of what you should aim for:

  1. Death Defiance: This should be your top priority as it grants extra lives, significantly increasing your chances of surviving longer runs.
  2. Origination: This card boosts your damage when enemies have at least two curses on them. It's a powerful buff but requires careful planning to ensure you can consistently apply two curses.

Here's a recommended basic card setup for Hades 2 beginners:

  • Death Defiance: Provides crucial extra lives.
  • Origination: Enhances damage output with two curses.
  • The Huntress or Wayward Sun: Additional Arcana cards to consider as you advance in the game. However, remember that The Huntress does not contribute to your Omega damage.

Be cautious with Origination and ensure you can consistently apply two curses to enemies. This might mean prioritizing boons and hammers that offer curse effects.


Choosing the right keepsake can significantly impact your run. Here are some keepsakes that are highly recommended:

  1. Skelly's Tooth: An extra Death Defiance is invaluable, making this keepsake a reliable choice for any run.
  2. Chaos’s Keepsake: This keepsake offers a powerful boon from Chaos, which you can keep even after switching keepsakes. Although the benefits are random, they are often substantial.
  3. Aromatic File from Narcissus: This keepsake is particularly useful in early runs, as it can turn a common attack boon into a heroic one, greatly boosting your damage output.
  4. Silken Sash: A great defensive keepsake that requires early use. You'll need to encounter Arachne early in the run to make the best use of it.


Hexes can be challenging to utilize effectively when you have limited max magic and recovery options. However, one hex stands out as exceptionally useful: Moon Water. This hex heals you for 25 health three times between every fountain, making it invaluable for sustaining your health throughout the run. Prioritize Moon Water and consider its power-ups like additional charges and stronger heals.

Hades 2 Beginner Builds

Best Hades 2 Beginner Builds - Sister Blades

Sister Blades

The Sister Blades is arguably one of the easiest Hades 2 builds to win with, even without aspects. Here’s the recommended build:

  • Best Hammer: Hook Knives, which make your specials return to you, doubling the damage and adding backstab potential. If the RNG gods don't smile upon you, Skullking Slices and Final Slices are decent alternatives to Hook Knives.
  • Boon: Aphrodite on your special for a massive damage boost at close range. This build excels at melting bosses quickly.
  • Magic Regen Boons: Look for strong magic regen boons from Zeus, Poseidon, Hestia, or Hera.
  • Follow-up Boons: Afro's Heart Throb and Hestia’s Controlled Burn to enhance your overall damage and effectiveness.

Witch's Staff

The Witch's Staff can be highly effective with the right setup, easily earning its place as one of the best Hades 2 beginner builds. Here's how to optimize it:

  • Best Hammer: Double Moonshot, which fires two projectiles from your special instead of one, essentially doubling your damage output.
  • Boon: Poseidon on your special to trigger splash damage twice per use. Poseidon is essential for this build, so consider starting with his keepsake.
  • Second Hammers: Shimmering Moonshot which makes the special bounce toward up to two more foes or Rapid Moonfire which makes specials 20% faster and have additional power.
  • Curses: Slippery Slope from Pan’s special boon, combined with Hestia’s Cast for your second curse. This also opens up the possibility of the Scalding Vapor duo boon.

Moonshot Axe

Best Hades 2 Beginner Builds - Moonshot Axe

The Moonshot Axe, known for its powerful spins, can be one of few highly effective Hades 2 beginner builds:

  • Best Hammer: Advancing Whirlwind, which allows you to toss your Whirlwind ahead of you and adds bonus damage.
  • Boon: Apollo or Demeter on attack for maximum effectiveness.
  • Second Hammers: Furious Whirlwind or Psychic Whirlwind if Advancing Whirlwind isn’t available.
  • Close Range Boon: Aphrodite’s attack boon is ideal for close combat.
  • Support Boons: Demeter's slow/freeze effects and Omega charge rate boosters. The Arcana that slows down time while charging is also essential for this Hades 2 beginner build.

Umbral Flames

The Umbral Flames can be tough to use without aspects, but focusing on the specials can yield great results so it has a place on our list of the best Hades 2 beginner builds:

  • Best Hammers: Triple Helix and Growing Coils to maximize the frequency and effectiveness of your specials.
  • Boon: Poseidon on special, with Zeus’s Blitz as a viable alternative.
  • Support Boons: Demeter’s cast and dash to slow and freeze enemies, making it easier to manage crowds and tougher foes.


Raval can be challenging to build for, but focusing on the Omega special can yield insanely good results:

  • Best Hammers: Bolstered Array and Twisting Crash for enhanced damage and effectiveness.
  • Boon: Aphrodite special boon, combined with Zeus’s attack boon to maximize damage.
  • Attack Pattern: Shoot out all your shells, then charge your Omega special to dive through enemies and retrieve them safely.
  • Curse Effect: Cast from Aphrodite, Demeter, or Hestia to apply a second curse.

Bonus Build - Argent Skull

Lastly, we have the Argent Skull, a range-focused weapon. You shoot a bunch of skulls and then collect them to get your ammo back. This is similar to the Rail in the first game, where you had to reload. The Argent Skull allows you to kite effectively, using your cast and doing more hit-and-runs. The special or Mega special charged up can do some good AOE damage.

  • Boons like Hera's Hitch on your special or Demeter are fantastic for this weapon.
  • Hammer upgrades for more shells make the Aspect of Melinoe work better, providing more damage based on the number of shells used.

Having more shells is better, and the melting special is great for dealing with armored opponents. The weapon feels great, a bit basic but gets the job done. The other aspects tend to focus on the Dashing side, which is more risky but fun. Just make sure to play safe, keep track of your ammo, and play to survive.

This Hades 2 beginner builds guide provides a clear and concise overview of the best builds without weapon aspects in Hades 2. I personally enjoy the Sister Blades build the most and I hope I've helped you pick a beginner build for your next run!

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